4+1 Environmental Health MPH

The Integrated 4+1 Master of Public Health (MPH) in Environmental Health is offered in collaboration with the School of Public Health Division of Environmental Health Sciences. The Integrated 4+1 MPH allows undergraduate students from the College of Biological Sciences at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities and the Bachelor of Science (BS) in Health Sciences at the University of Minnesota Rochester to graduate with both a BS and an MPH degree in five years.

The program is intended for highly motivated undergraduate students interested in investigating health hazards in our environment, protecting worker health, and establishing the basis for public health policy. The program offers individual faculty attention, outstanding courses, and abundant opportunities for students to get direct practical experience in Environmental Health through fieldwork in local and state government, industry, and community organizations, as well as national and international organizations.

Save Time

The program is designed to allow students to quickly get practical experience in public health, which will prepare them to enter the job market when they graduate with both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in just five years, compared to the traditional six.

Save Cost

Students save tuition dollars because they pay the undergraduate tuition rate of their campus instead of the professional student tuition rate for the Environmental Health courses they take during year 4.


Students apply via SOPHAS Express during their junior year. During their senior year, (year 4), admitted students take 12 credits of graduate level Environmental Health courses along with the remaining courses required to complete the bachelor’s degree.

Master’s Coursework

During the summer between year 4 and year 5 the students will participate in an Applied Practice Experience, which gives them direct public health practice experience. During year 5, the students will complete the MPH course work, including a culminating experience.

Students admitted into the Integrated 4+1 MPH program will pursue a general program of Environmental Health, which emphasizes the development of a broad, solid foundation in environmental health that focuses on the scientific, technological, policy and management skills required to address environmental health concerns.

Application Deadline

Final Deadline: May 15

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