Beulah Momanyi, MHA ‘19

Beulah completed a summer residency at Johnson & Johnson Asia Pacific Headquarters in Singapore. Her project addressed human resource issues within the ONE Johnson & Johnson Singapore team.
International Exposure
“During my residency, I gained exposure to an entire region instead of just one country. My preceptor opened doors for me to experience various parts of the business from several countries. From India to Japan to Australia, the market is so diverse and the needs of specific markets are unique: reimbursement methods, health technology assessments, unmet surgical device needs of varying populations, and the increasing adoption of healthcare technology. As one of the fastest growing regions for the global healthcare industry, there is so much opportunity and room for innovation in Asia Pacific.”
New Experiences and Insights

“I experienced health care from a new perspective: the medical device industry. I had exposure to high level regional strategic meetings and also the opportunity to shadow sales representatives in hospital operating rooms. In addition, I experienced personal growth. My confidence received a major boost from the affirmations and insights from my preceptor, the Asia Pacific regional leadership team, and others. My preceptor taught me that you don’t have to fit inside of a mold to be a great leader. Regardless of your role, people can sense a person who is genuine and authentic and that allows you to build trust in your personal and professional relationships with others.”
Opportunity to Influence
“I provided human resources recommendations and I also built an app to support engagement for the annual growth summit that brings together more than 250 global, regional and country leaders for two of the medical device franchises. Finally, I created a much-needed product portfolio guide for the finance department.”
Theory to Practice
“The field project in the Principles of Problem Solving course allowed me to take the skills I learned in the classroom, specifically The Minnesota Problem Solving Method, and apply them to a real-life problem at a local organization. My experience during the course made me comfortable facing any problem and gave me confidence in providing sound recommendations to the leadership team at my summer residency.”
Final Takeaway
“The Johnson & Johnson credo expresses a guiding set of values that puts the needs and well-being of the consumers, patients, providers, employees and communities above shareholders. This statement guides the organization’s leaders and employees in times of prosperity and, most importantly, acts as a moral compass in times of crisis. I was proud to be part of an organization that does not compromise on their mission to touch the lives of people around the world, even for just three months. If offered in the future, I would highly recommend the summer residency opportunity at Johnson & Johnson Asia Pacific to all MHA students.”