“Understanding COVID-19: Minnesota and Cuba Perspectives” is a series of conversations between leaders in Cuba and the University of Minnesota meant to foster and promote relations with healthcare leaders to improve the health and wellbeing of Minnesotans and Cubans.
The two events below were held in December, 2020 and April, 2021. Future events and opportunities are being planned that advance discussion and information sharing between Cuba and Minnesota. Contact Teddie Potter at tmpotter@umn.edu or John Oswald at oswal007@umn.edu to stay informed about these efforts.
Vaccine and Vaccination Rollout (April 21, 2021)
On April 21, 2021, leaders in public health, healthcare, and research from the University of Minnesota and Cuba gathered at a virtual forum to share insights about the COVID-19 rollout.
Webinar Agenda & Panelists (April 21, 2021)
Moderator: Teddie Potter, University of Minnesota
- Minnesota: VP Jakub Tolar, Dean of Medical School, Vice President for Clinical Affairs
- Cuba: Dagmar García Rivera, Research Director, Finlay Vaccine Institute
- Cuba: Ileana Morales Suárez, National Director of Science and Technology Innovation for the Ministry of Health
- Minnesota: Rebecca Wurtz, Associate Professor, School of Public Health
- Cuba: Mayra García Carmenates, family physician and head of the Communicable Diseases Department, Provincial Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology Center of Havana
- Cuba: Lysis Muñiz Álvarez, a family physician and assistant professor at the Plaza Community Polyclinic in Havana
- Minnesota: John Pastor, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems
- Minnesota: Maria Raines, VP/Chief Nursing Officer University of Minnesota & Masonic Children’s Hospitals at MHealth Fairview
Innovations & Research (December 16, 2020)
On December 16, 2020, leaders in public health, nursing, and medicine from the University of Minnesota and Cuba gathered at a virtual forum to share their experiences working on the frontlines against COVID-19. Panelists explored topics related to: public health measures, clinical care and therapies, and the outlook on new vaccines.
Webinar Agenda & Panelists (December 16, 2020)
Moderator: Gail Reed, Executive Editor of MEDICC Review
(time in video: 5:28)
- COVID in Minnesota: Michael Osterholm, PhD, Regents Professor of Public Health, Director, Center for Infectious Disease Policy
- COVID in Cuba: Francisco Durán, MD, National Director of Epidemiology Cuba
(time in video: 26:23)
- Cuba: Ileana Morales Suarez MD, MS National Director of Science and Technology Innovation for the Ministry of Health
- Minnesota: Jakub Tolar, Dean of Medical School, Vice President for Clinical Affairs
(time in video: 55:51)
- Cuba: Dagmar García, Director of Research Finlay Vaccine Institute
- Minnesota: Tim Schacker, MD, Clinical Trials for Treatments and Vaccination, VP Medical School
(time in video: 1:26:41)
- Cuba (Acute Care): Daniel González, MD, Director of Clinical Car Tropical Medical Institute
- Minnesota (Post-Acute Care): Laura Reed, DNP, RN Chief Nursing Executive and Chief Operating Officer, MHealth Fairview, speaking about COVID Survivor Clinic
Short Video Features
Welcome Remarks
“My hope is that [this] forum opens the door for future engagement and learning.” — University of Minnesota President Joan T.A. Gabel
Closing Remarks
“We need your insights and expertise now more than ever…If this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that our world is more connected than ever before.” — U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar
Event Sponsors
This event is jointly sponsored by the University of Minnesota School of Nursing, the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, and MEDICC Review.
Questions? Contact John Oswald (oswal007@umn.edu), University of Minnesota School of Public Health, or Teddie Potter (tmpotter@umn.edu), University of Minnesota School of Nursing.