
Shekinah Fashaw-Walters joins AcademyHealth’s board of directors

Virgil McDill | October 19, 2023

University of Minnesota School of Public Health (SPH) Assistant Professor Shekinah Fashaw-Walters has joined the board of directors at AcademyHealth, a leading national organization for health services researchers, policymakers, and health care practitioners and stakeholders.

With the motto “moving evidence into action,” AcademyHealth provides research to policymakers and others in order to advance and inform policy objectives. As a member of the board of directors, Fashaw-Walters will provide overall strategic direction, give input on the development of programs and services, and fulfill fiduciary responsibilities by approving the annual budget and audit.

Fashaw-Walters believes that providing quality care for all means dismantling structural inequities and providing equitable high-quality care for the most marginalized people. As a health services researcher, her program of research focuses on understanding the inequities in aging while illuminating and explicitly naming racism as a fundamental determinant of health inequities within post-acute and long-term care. Fashaw-Walters said she looks forward to collaborating with others at AcademyHealth to support the field and advance health equity through policy.

“I’m really excited about this role,” Fashaw-Walters says. “I have been an active member of AcademyHealth since 2015 so this is such an honor and privilege to serve the broader health services research community in this way.”

The board of directors is made up of multidisciplinary members from academia, membership organizations, and health care delivery systems. AcademyHealth noted that the new members bring expertise in health equity, primary care, structural racism, healthcare workforce, designing healthy spaces, care for the uninsured, and design and data analytics across a range of topics from aging to diabetes and other chronic diseases.

“The field of health services research and health policy is poised for tremendous, positive change in the coming years,” said AcademyHealth President and CEO Dr. Lisa Simpson. “Each of these leaders brings critical insights and experience that will help drive innovation, equity and impact in the field.”

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