
Resources for this project are shared openly with all participants in a shared Resources (opens in new window) folder. Technical assistance offerings, including past and future live or recorded sessions and contact information to request technical assistance can be found on the Technical Assistance page (opens in new window); recordings from Past Events (opens in new window) are also on that page.

The following resources overview the Illinois Public Health Capacity and Cost Assessment (“Illinois CCA”) and respond to questions posed by Illinois health departments.

Assessment Overview and Initial Q/A from IL Health Departments (opens in new window)

  • Provides a high-level overview of the Illinois CCA.
  • Responds to initial questions related to the Illinois CCA posed by Illinois public health professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions (regularly updated) (opens in new window)

  • Responds to common questions for the Illinois CCA and brief answers.
  • Updates regularly, with a version date available on the first page.
    • It is recommended that this material is viewed and refreshed online versus downloading due to the regular updating.

Checklist for Completing the Assessment (opens in new window)

  • This checklist may assist your agency with facilitating or completing data collection for the Assessment.
  • This resource provides guidance for how to manage the assessment within your agency and offers checkboxes to assist you with tracking your activities.

The following resources support use of the Excel-based Foundational Public Health Services (FPHS) Capacity and Cost Assessment Tool (“Tool”) and address certain situations that participants may be faced with.

FPHS Operational Definitions (opens in new window)

  • Defines the FPHS, a minimum package of public health services that governmental public health should deliver to communities that should be available everywhere for public health to work anywhere.
  • Includes Foundational Capabilities (cross-cutting skills) and Foundational Areas (broad health topics from across the lifespan) that must be available to all people served by the governmental public health system.
  • Describes “community-specific services” that are local protections and services unique to the needs of a community.

FPHS Capacity & Cost Assessment: Instructional Guide (opens in new window)

  • Overviews each data entry worksheet and respective fields within the Tool.
  • Provides context and clarifications for the questions posed in the Tool.
  • Offers examples for complex data entry fields.
  • Describes any “Data Flags” that may occur based on data entered.

FPHS Capacity & Cost Assessment: Decision Guide (opens in new window)

  • Assists participants with engaging the appropriate staff in conducting an Assessment.
  • Supports identification of the appropriate data for the Assessment.
  • Provides assistance for decision-making and addressing complex situations.

Data Flowchart & Definitions and Outputs Flowchart (opens in new window)

  • The Data Flowchart summarizes anticipated data needed to be entered into the Tool and shows where data entered in one tab are populated into another.
  • The Definitions and Outputs Flowchart summarizes where FPHS definitions and glossary terms relate to the different tabs and also shows where data entered into the Tool are then populated into tabs which summarize or output those data.

The following resources assist participants with using the Public Health Workforce (PHWF) Calculator to create preliminary estimates of staffing needed to fully implement the FPHS within communities.

Public Health Workforce Calculator: Frequently Asked Questions (opens in new window)

  • Responds to common questions posed by users of the PHWF Calculator.
  • Describes how to address complex situations.

Public Health Workforce Calculator: User Guide (opens in new window)

  • Offers definitions and explanations for PHWF Calculator functions.
  • Provides step-by-step instructions and tips to ensure you receive the most reliable results possible.
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