STATGEN 2025: Conference on Statistics in Genomics and Genetics

ASA Section on Statistics in Genetics and Genomics

May 21-23, 2025

The event will take place at the Graduate Hotel on the University of Minnesota Campus in Minneapolis.

The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for SSGG members and friends to present, connect, and foster ideas related to genomics, genetics and associated applications.

Each invited session can include either:

  1. 4 speakers, or
  2. 3 speakers plus 1 discussant.

Initial submissions require the following information:

  • Session title
  • Description/motivation of the session
  • Session chair
  • Speaker names, affiliations, and emails
  • Titles of each talk

SSGG believes that diverse perspectives and representative speakers enhance the quality of sessions and the conference overall. We encourage session organizers to consider diversity and representation in speakers, including factors such as research focus, career stage, industry/government/academia, gender, and race/ethnicity. Topics across applied, theoretical, bioethics, or data privacy areas related to genetics and genomics are welcome.

Important Dates:

  • Submission deadline: November 15th, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: December 15th, 2024 (Abstracts and registration will be required afterward.)

Please direct any questions to the Program Committee:

  • Invited session proposals deadline – 11/15/2024
  • Invited session decision date – 12/15/2024
  • Contributed talk open for submission –  12/15/2024
  • Registration opening date – 12/15/2024
  • Contributed talk submission deadline –1/15/2025
  • Contributed talk decision date – 2/15/2025
  • Poster submission deadline – 3/15/2025

Blocks of affordable hotel rooms will be reserved at the Graduate Hotel – 615 Washington Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414. More information coming soon.

The Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul is an ideal location for this conference. Minnesota is home to multiple institutions with active research and training programs in statistical genetics. Our central location within the continental US and top-rated MSP Airport means that the Twin Cities are easily, quickly, and relatively cheaply accessible by air. The proposed conference venue, on the University of Minnesota campus, is located only 10 miles from the airport and easily accessible by car or public transit. The surrounding neighborhoods offer affordable accommodations and a variety of attractions, from professional sports and vibrant music scenes to renowned restaurants and outdoor activities such as biking and exploring the Mississippi River.

Sandra Safo (co-Chair; Biostatistics and Health Data Science, University of Minnesota)
Kelsey Grinde (co-Chair; Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, Macalester College)
Eric Lock (co-Chair; Biostatistics and Health Data Science, University of Minnesota)
Tianzhong Yang (co-Chair; Biostatistics and Health Data Science, University of Minnesota)
TBD (We plan to invite additional members from the Departments of Statistics and Genetics, Cell, and Developmental Biology at the University of Minnesota, the Statistical Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology group at Mayo Clinic, and/or local industry)

Registration information coming soon.

Questions? Contact Us

Sandra Safo,

Saonli Basu,

Kelsey Grinde, 

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