At the School of Public Health, we seek to transform our institution and uplift our community to address racism in all of its forms.
In this animated video series launched fall 2022, we explore different topics related to antiracism, justice, and equity. These videos support the ongoing implementation of our Strategic Plan for Antiracism.
“Being non-racist is a passive role. To be antiracist, [we] must act.”
What is Antiracism?
In the first video of this series, we explore what antiracism is and how we can apply it to our work.
The Differences between Equality, Equity, and Justice
In this video we highlight some of the key differences between equality, equity, and justice, and how we can utilize these concepts in our pursuit towards antiracism.
How do we make health data more equitable?
In this video, we talk about what makes data WEIRD, and how ensuring that health data is non-WEIRD can lead to more accurate and equitable health outcomes.
For more information, check out this resource on collaborations and programs to advance non-WEIRD data.