
SPH Communications works to raise the school’s profile by communicating its value and impact to internal and external audiences. We manage the school’s brand, media relations, website, social media, internal communications, and prominent faculty awards. We serve as the consistent voice for our school and its leadership.

Our team collaborates with faculty, staff, and students across the school on communications projects and plans, including photography, videography, social media, design, email marketing, website revisions/development, etc. We also provide ways to get news out about SPH research, honors/awards, grants, events, announcements, and profiles.

Communications Team

Rachel Smith
Rachel Smith
Interim Director
Chris Cooper
Chris Cooper
Martha Coventry
Martha Coventry
Senior Editor
Sarah Harris
Sarah Harris
Events Manager
Virgil McDill
Virgil McDill
Writer and News Media Strategist
Maggie Mora
Maggie Mora
Marketing Associate
Kat Silverstein
Kat Silverstein
Associate Communications Director
Tom Stanoch
Tom Stanoch
Web Manager
Charles Truong
Charles Truong
Internal Communications and Antiracism Strategist
Rosabelle Yang
Social Media Manager
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