
CEPH Re-Accreditation 2022-2029

Public health graduate education began in the early 1900s and formal accreditation started in the mid-1940s when the American Public Health Association recognized 10 schools of public health, the University of Minnesota School of Public Health among them. We became an accredited school on October 16, 1946.

Today, the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) is the independent agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to accredit schools of public health. Schools are up for review every seven years.

Our school’s current seven-year period of accreditation runs through July 1, 2029.

All schools must produce a self-study for each review period. We welcome you to read our self-study document and the CEPH letter of accreditation and final report.

CEPH Accreditation Letter and Final Report
Download the final report (900 K PDF)

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