
Curriculum Information – 4+1 General Environmental Health

Undergraduate students admitted to this program will start taking graduate-level public health classes during their senior year (year four) in addition to coursework to finish a bachelor’s degree. The graduate courses cannot be double-counted for both the Bachelor of Science and the Master of Public Health (MPH). For this reason, students interested in this program should begin planning early to ensure that they have sufficient room in their schedules to accommodate the 12 graduate credits during their senior year.

Undergraduate students will be required to work closely with their undergraduate college advisors and SPH graduate-level advisors to complete required coursework for the bachelor’s degree and MPH at the appropriate times.

Please note: Undergraduate students have the option to arrange their schedules to take all online courses during their senior year (year four). All MPH core courses are taught online. Students will also have the option of taking online courses during the summer when they are completing the applied practice experience.

Sample Plan of Study

For individual MPH advising, students should reach out to the MPH 4+1 faculty advisor, Professor Betsy Wattenberg (

The following includes the required courses for the Environmental Health Sciences MPH program. The MPH requires a total of 42 credits. This is a sample plan and can be adjusted based on the Environmental Health 4 + 1 MPH Curriculum Sheet.

Senior Year/Year 4 Fall Semester

  • PubH 6250 Foundations of Public Health (2 credits)
  • PubH 6102 Issues in Environmental and Occupational Health (2 credits)
  • PubH 6020 Fundamentals of Social & Behavioral Science (2 credits)
  • Undergraduate courses required to fulfill the bachelor’s degree requirements

Senior Year/Year 4 Spring Semester

  • PubH 6751 Principles of Management in Health Services Organizations (2 credits)
  • PubH 6320 Fundamentals of Epidemiology (3 credits)
  • PubH 6741 Ethics in Public Health: Professional Practice and Policy (1 credits)
  • Undergraduate courses required to fulfill the bachelor’s degree requirements

Summer between Years 4 and 5

  • PubH 7196 Applied Practice Experience in Environmental Health (1 to 5 credits)

Year 5

Students will choose courses to complete their MPH in consultation with their faculty advisor.

  • PubH 6414 Biostatistics Literacy (3 credits)
  • PubH 6154 Climate Change & Global Health (3 credits)
  • PubH 7194 Integrated Learning Experience (1 to 5 credits)
  • Electives/competency requirements (6 to 14 credits, depending on credits taken for PubH 7194 and PubH 7196)

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