What is the advantage of having a MPH as a Dentist?

It provides you more career opportunities long term and the MPH will provide the tools to manage population health in a variety of settings.

Who is eligible for the DDS/MPH program?

You may attend any accredited DDS program at any University and complete the MPH at the UMN School of Public Health.  We will work with you and your DDS curriculum to find up to 14 cr of dental credits that are appropriate for the MPH and that can transfer to the MPH.

Does the program require the GRE?

No, The DDS/MPH dual degree program does not require the DAT or the GRE scores. All applicants must be applying to or currently admitted to a DDS program.

What makes it a dual program?

With approval, you may apply up to 14 credits of dental courses toward the MPH and also with approval from your DDS program, transfer public health credits toward the DDS. This allows you to reduce the length of the programs, saving you time and money.

Can I complete the DDS at any school?

Yes, you may attend any accredited DDS program anywhere and complete the MPH at the UMN School of Public Health. The SPH allows up to 14 credits from the DDS school to transfer to the MPH with approval, which will save you time and tuition dollars.

Do you charge non-resident tuition for out-of-state students?

All DDS/MPH dual degree students are charged resident tuition for the MPH public health credits.

Is financial aid available?

DDS/MPH students are eligible to apply for Federal Student Aid by submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Please be sure to enter the UMN school code (003969) to ensure your information is received.

There are no special scholarships for this program. Ideas about how to finance your education can be found on our website.

Can a DDS scholarly paper count for the MPH Integrated Learning Experience?

If you decide on a DDS project topic that is public health related, the project may also meet the curriculum and competencies requirements of the MPH integrated learning experience. To do this, you will need to complete the integrated learning proposal form and receive approval from your SPH adviser.

Can my DDS clinical hours count for the MPH Applied Practice Experience?

When the DDS clinical experience pertains to both dentistry and public health, it may also meet the curriculum and competencies of the MPH program. The School of Public Health requires up to 160 hours of applied practice experience and has an electronic applied practice experience agreement that must be completed by you and approved by your SPH adviser.

How do I apply?

You may apply to any accredited DDS program through the ADEA Associated American Dental Schools Application Service (ADEA AADSAS) Application. Then apply to the SPH through the Schools of Public Health Application Services (SOPHAS).

When should I apply to the DDS/MPH dual degree program?

Applicants will often apply first to a dental program and then apply to the School of Public Health.

If the SPH receives your application before the dental program does, the Admission Committee will review your application and may admit you PENDING your acceptance to a dental program.

Once you have received your letter of acceptance from the DDS program, send the SPH a copy and then your status will change from pending to admitted to the DDS/MPH dual degree program.

This would give you the option to register for public health courses the summer before starting the dental program in the Fall – giving you a head start on the MPH.

How competitive is it to be accepted?

The SPH has no limit or quota to meet, we are looking for qualified applicants.

How many credits is the MPH?

The MPH is 42 credits.  If you transfer up to 14 cr from your DDS, then you will complete 28 cr as a public health student for a total of 42 credits.  You will want to see if your DDS program will accept public health credits to the DDS program.

Are the MPH classes offered online or in-person?

You may take the majority of public health courses online, giving you the flexibility you prefer.

As a DDS/MPH student you can choose your graduate elective courses based on your career goals and areas of interests in public health.

The majority of DDS/MPH students complete elective courses at the Public Health Institute (PHI), which is a 3 week session offered in the last week in May and first weeks in June.

PHI offers on-campus courses on a variety of current topics in a concentrated format. Students may complete 1 – 2.5 cr/week. PHI provides course content that emphasizes research to practice with opportunity for field trips, case studies and simulations. It provides a perfect setting to network with other professionals (MD, DNP, DVM, PharmD, MS, etc) and explore new areas of interest in public health.

Sample of course titles: Globalization & Health; Applied Critical Thinking in the Workforce; Motivational Interviewing: Strategies to Effect Behavioral Change.

Over thirty courses are offered over the 3 weeks. You may attend one to three weeks dependent upon your time and you can complete up to 1 – 7 credits at the PHI.

Other elective courses are offered online and in-person during the fall and spring terms.

The applied practice and integrated learning experiences can be completed at your location.

How quickly can I complete the MPH?

You may attend the School of Public Health full time and complete the 28 cr in two terms or extend the time to fit your life commitments.  Usually first DDS/MPH students complete the DDS program and then complete the MPH in 2 – 3 terms.

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