The University of Minnesota offers affordable and competitive graduate tuition while also being situated in one of the most affordable metropolitan areas in the country.
Tuition & Fees
- Access a list of scholarships available to public health students.
- Review financial aid, loans & grants information.
Maternal and Child Nutrition Traineeship
Maternal and child nutrition traineeships are available for public health nutrition students who are U.S. citizens and wish to specialize in maternal, child, or adolescent health. In addition to the Maternal and Child Nutrition Trainees, PHN also awards three to five Research Assistantship positions.
Endowed Public Health Nutrition Scholarships
Ruth Stief and Marguerite Queneau awards are available to students, along with funds from the Alyce Stang scholarship fund. Eligible students must be registered dietitians, with at least one year of work experience, and career goals in public health nutrition and maternal and child health, and should complete the appropriate application.