Our PhD Students

More than 40 students are currently enrolled in the HSRP&A PhD program, including those in the market for employment.

Current Job Candidates

Student Area of Emphasis Research Interests Advisor(s)
Bucy, Taylor Health Policy Analysis Post-acute care, care transitions, serious mental illness, Medicare Dori Cross, PhD, and Tetyana Shippee, PhD
Hassan, Asha Sociology of Illness Reproductive health equity Rachel Hardeman, PhD, MPH
Pando, Cynthia Sociology of Health and Illness Health effects of immigration-related policies on Latinx immigrant families and their US-born citizen children Kathleen Call, PhD
Sarkin, Courtney Sociology of Health and Illness LGBTQ+ health, intersectional mixed methods, cancer inequities, rural health, public health ethics & bioethics, and community-based participatory research Carrie Henning Smith, PhD, MPH, MSW; Rachel Hardeman, PhD, MPH

Current PhD Students

Student Area of Emphasis
Abdi, Hamdi Health Policy
Abshir, Ifrah (“Iffy”) Health Policy
Akosionu, Odichinma Health Economics
Bailey, Dionne Multidisciplinary Social Sciences
Beck, Abaki Sociology of Health and Wellness
Boese, Tyler Rodney Health Economics
Campbell, James (Jimmy) Health Economics
Chiddarwar, Tanvi Health Decision Sciences
Dahal, Roshani Clinical Outcomes Research
Ford, CeRon Health Policy
Frumholtz, Mateo Sociology of Health and Wellness
Houck, Olivia Clinical Outcomes Research
Kissell, Paul Sociology of Health and Illness
Knowlton, Greg Health Decision Sciences
Li, Zongbo Health Decision Sciences
McGlave, Claire Health Economics
Moeller, Kelly Health Policy
Mulcahy, John Health Policy
Murad, Yusra Sociology of Health and Wellness
Nelson, Quinlan Sociology of Health and Wellness
Orakwue, Kene Sociology of Health and Wellness
Osegueda, Eduardo Clinical Outcomes
Quijano Ruiz, Alonso Health Economics
Quiones, Nicole Health Policy Analysis
Sheffield, Emily Health Policy
Shermeyer, Andrew Health Economics
Steen Mills, Hadija Sociology of Health and Wellness
Usset, Timothy J Clinical Outcomes Research
Watts, Libby Health Economics
Weidman, Ben Sociology of Health and Wellness
Westfall, Noah Sociology of Health and Wellness
Yam, Hawking Health Policy
Yang, Haishan Health Economics
Yang, Yunshu Health Economics

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