"I have a passion for older adults and long-term care and the Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) provides the additional training and education I need to make an impact in my field.

When I was in high school, I began volunteering at a local nursing home and grew close to many of the residents. I always thought about potential system changes that could improve their quality of life. It was then that I realized nursing home administration was the path I should pursue in my career. I care deeply about older adult services and the quality of life for older adults — especially those in rural areas.
Currently, I work for a full-service, non-profit provider of older adult services in northwest Minnesota and eastern North Dakota. This has given me a vast appreciation for those who work with older adults in rural settings because the needs, preferences, and challenges of rural residents are significantly different (in some cases) than those of urban residents.
After I was awarded the Robert L. Kane Scholarship of Excellence in Long-Term Care, Dr. Tetyana Shippee approached me with an opportunity to help her develop the MN Assisted Living Report Card. The goal of the Assisted Living Report Card is to provide an avenue by which prospective and current assisted living consumers, family members, and friends can assess the quality of assisted living communities across the state to form a platform for comparison among provider options.
I could not be happier with my choice to join the MHA program because of the experiences I’ve been afforded. My classmates, program faculty, and staff are second to none. We have so much to be proud of in Minnesota, from our lakes and prairies to our healthcare systems, and I feel lucky to call it home.”