Brittany L. Wright is a social impact strategist, creative, and Emmy-nominated digital storyteller, with apassion for creating culturally inclusive spaces for wellness. Miss Brit is a published writer, freelancejournalist, DJ, doula, and entrepreneur who fiercely advocates for equity in historically marginalizedcommunities. As a certified community coach she’s a practitioner of The Orange Method of HealingJustice. As an OM practitioner and doula she facilitates community healing sessions through guidedmeditation, sound healing, and ancient Khemetic practices. She received her bachelor’s degree from theUniversity of Minnesota, studying the Sociology of Law, Criminology, and Deviance, and African AmericanStudies. She then continued her education at the University of Pennsylvania studying Arts and CulturalStrategies for Executive Leadership. Merging her artistic background with her passion for socialentrepreneurship, she launched Gray Matter, a company that provides multimedia and public relationssupport to entities invested in social impact.
In 2019 Gray Matter began producing its own programming rooted in Holistic Maternal Care, aframework dedicated to shifting the way society listens to and cares for Black mothers, created byBrittany L. Wright. This framework was featured in Metro Doctors Magazine as a viable alternative toaddressing the Black maternal mortality and morbidity crisis and was recognized nationally by the BlackMamas Matter Alliance and CNN. The execution of the Holistic Maternal Care framework came from twoprograms Miss Brit created. The first program was Trill Moms, a global brand and podcast focusing onBlack maternal health, womanhood, and conscious parenting. The second program is Doula Write Thing,a doula training and certification program that equips marginalized community members with the skillsto become private practitioners and public thought leaders in the industry. In 2021 Brittany L. Wrightwas selected as a Finnovation Fellow for Social Entrepreneurship where she continues to build upon herframework of Holistic Maternal Care through the business development of a birthing center/holisticwellness center.
In addition to addressing birth disparities Wright spent the first 18 months of the pandemic focused onCOVID-19’s disproportionate impact on communities of color through the hosting and producing ofBlack Life Amplified, a virtual town hall series supported by AALF-TC and Insight News. Brittany L. Wrightis now serving as a program Manager for the State of Minnesota within the Governor’s Children’sCabinet, and leads action towards innovative healthcare solutions that center children and familiesacross 22 state agencies and across the country.