What did the Colorado Option do? Dissertation work in progress.

Presented by Andrew Shermeyer, MPA
HSRP&A Doctoral Candidate
Division of Health Policy & Management
Colorado’s HB21-1232 introduced standardized Colorado Option plans within the state’s Marketplace starting in 2023. While the state designed benefits, it was left up to carriers to determine the provider payment rates and to ensure the Colorado Option plans’ networks followed more stringent requirements than non-standardized plans. This talk takes an in depth look at the newly implemented Colorado Option and discusses preliminary results on how (if at all) provider networks changed as a result.
Andrew Shermeyer is a Health Services Research, Policy & Administration PhD student. He researches variation in health insurance enrollment and is interested in the administrative mechanisms behind such variation. Andrew seeks to understand the effect this can have on health care consumption and clinical practices. In addition to his work as a researcher, he co-teaches an undergraduate course in health economics.
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