Attendees will learn about the breadth and depth of maternal and child public health as a field, the different types of career paths that maternal and child public health students take, and how to build the bridge from being a student to a public health professional.
Panelists include:
Asha Hassan (she/her) (Planned Parenthood North Central States; the Center for Antiracism Research for Health Equity), UIC alumni Sara Navin (she/her) (NORC at the University of Chicago, a nonpartisan research organization), SLU alumni Kayley Delashmit (she/her) (St. Louis Area Business Health Coalition) who will discuss their career paths and experiences, and answer your questions.
Please register and join if you’re interested in learning about:
The breadth and depth of maternal and child public health as a field,
The different types of career paths that maternal and child public health students take
How to build the bridge from being a student to a public health professional
Co-hosted with student groups from UIC’s and SLU’s HRSA-funded Centers of Excellence in MCH.