Monday, April 22 @ 9:00 am - Thursday, April 25 @ 1:00 pm CDT SPH Coffee and Donuts SPHere Student Lounge A150, Mayo Building, 420 Delaware St. SE, Minneapolis Stop by the SPHere to get a donut and coffee to help you get through the end of the semester!
Tuesday, April 23 @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm CDT Event Series Division of Biostatistics and Health Data Science Seminar Series BHDS Seminar with Zhenke Wu University Office Plaza, Room 114/116 2221 University Ave SE, Minneapolis Join us for this presentation titled Towards Better Policies in Sequential Decision Making: A Robust Test for Stationarity.
Tuesday, April 23 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm CDT Event Series Justice in Public Health Unraveling the Blanket for Liberation: The Abolitionist Cause for Public Health Virtual This talk interrogates the relationship between public health and policing and presents a case for abolition as a public health cause that is necessary to protect communities and achieve health equity.