Past Event
Developing & Growing Your Network
This session will outline how to develop your own web of systemic contacts and relationships, including who to meet and how to reach them, what to discuss and why, and…
Past Event
This session will outline how to develop your own web of systemic contacts and relationships, including who to meet and how to reach them, what to discuss and why, and…
Past Event
Mercedes Taneja, Applied Practice Coordinator, will provide an Applied Practice Info Session to review the requirements, terminology, components, process and resources on Thursday 4/13/2023 at 3:00pm CST via zoom.
Past Event
Stories From the Field, a Minnesota Prepared seminar series, is hosting a free public health seminar featuring three speakers on 4/13 from 3:30-4:30 pm. It will be a hybrid event with…
Past Event
Presented by: Simon Rosser, Ph.D. Professor, Division of Epidemiology and Community Health, UMN and Dickson Ally Mkoka, Ph.D. Dean of Nursing, MUHAS In the US, only a minority of medical…
Past Event
Exploring Public Understanding of Health Equity: Considering Christianity and the Implications for Health Equity-Related Communication Presented by Margaret Tait HSRP&A Doctoral Candidate Division of Health Policy & Management …
Past Event
Representing Missing and Murdered American Indian Women and Girls Inaugural Gathering Agenda: Practicing Cultural Humility - Dr. Linda Bane Frizzell Missing and murdered American Indian Women and Girls: the Red…
Past Event
Join us for a morning of building connections. This will be an opportunity to meet with other faculty and postdocs who are engaged in health equity research, reconnect with colleagues,…
Past Event
In celebration of National Minority Populations Cancer Awareness Month, please join Dr. Dana Carroll and Public Health student, Julie Ntegeye, to learn about the current state of cancer disparities in…
Past Event
Masters candidate in Biostatistics, Ziren Jiang, will present: "Estimating the Reference Interval from a Meta-analysis using Quantile Regression" Plan B Adviser: Lianne Siegel Abstract: Reference intervals, which define an interval…
Past Event
This session’s content will be based on what attendees want to know more about. Bring questions regarding resumes, cover letters, interviews, networking, job search, or anything related to career and…
Past Event
Presentations – whether in person or on Zoom, internal to our organizations or external – are important opportunities for us to build knowledge and excitement about our work, our program,…
Past Event
Masters candidate in Biostatistics, Maria Godinez, will present: "Novelty Scale Validation for E-cigarettes Messaging Analysis in Middle Schoolers: A Factor Analysis Application" Plan B Adviser: Ashley Petersen, PhD Abstract: There…
Past Event
This month, we are installing signs in conference rooms and gathering spaces that support our Strategic Plan for Antiracism (SPAR). These signs serve as an active reminder to our community…
Past Event
When we are immersed in an institution like a university, we do not always realize how unspoken cultural values and protocols shape the ways we interact and do our work.…
Past Event
When the bough breaks: financial burden of childbirth in the postpartum Associate Professor Heidi Allen studies the impact of social policies, like Medicaid – America’s health insurance for the poor…
420 Delaware St. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
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