Age-Friendly University Day
Age-Friendly University Day
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We will not achieve the goal of dismantling white supremacy without white people working together to understand how white supremacy and racial bias are defining characteristics of our whiteness. In this work, white people must engage with BIPOC and white individuals and communities. However, white people learning about and discussing whiteness can elicit fear, anger,…
This program will provide students with the tools, resources, and strategies for finding and securing graduate assistantships across the University of Minnesota.
The Director of the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Robert Otto Valdez, will be sharing his vision for AHRQ and the challenges and opportunities facing the U.S. healthcare system to provide high quality, equitable and safe health care. He will discuss how factors such as the use of data and measurement, a refocus…
The National Maternal Nutrition Intensive Course focuses on the improvement of maternal and infant health through the delivery of risk-appropriate high-quality nutrition services. This continuing education program is designed for dietitians, nutritionists, certified nurse midwives, registered nurses and nurse practitioners, physicians, and public health professionals who serve pre-conceptual, pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants, children,…
New to Minnesota? Join fellow out of state classmates virtually to learn a little about Minnesota culture, weather and share unique aspects of your transition to SPH.
This program will provide students with the tools, resources, and strategies for finding and securing graduate assistantships across the University of Minnesota.
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Minneapolis, MN 55455
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