
EnHS Grad Students Prabha Atluri and Melanie Firestone Receive MnDrive Global Food Ventures Fellowships

Environmental Health Sciences graduate students, Prabha Alturi and Melanie Firestone, have been awarded MnDrive Global Food Ventures fellowships for 2016-17. As part of the program, they will participate in activities designed to help build their skills in communications and problem solving along with pursuing individual research projects. Craig Hedberg, professor in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences, will serve as their advisor.

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2016 NORA Symposium

The 2016 NORA Symposium was held Wednesday, May 4 at Mayo Memorial Auditorium, University of Minnesota School of Public Health. The theme was “Critical Challenges Facing Occupational Health and Safety – Today and Tomorrow”. The featured speaker was Dr. John Howard, Director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

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