A new study from Professor Simone French reveals that neighborhood parks can be a great, inexpensive way for low-income families with preschoolers to get more exercise.
Epidemiology and Community Health
New Grant to Identify the Role of DNA in Healthy Aging
Professors James Pankow and Ellen Demerath are researching a mechanism that turns genes off and on to see if it’s a predictor for healthy aging in older adults.
Breast Milk from Heavier Mothers Has Higher Levels of Leptin and Insulin
A new study from Professor Ellen Demerath shows that the breast milk of obese mothers can be higher in leptin and insulin and is associated with slower growing babies at age six months.
Identifying Eating Disorder Types and Patterns
A Project EAT study shows that eating disorders in teens are hard to stop and can change over time.
SPH Student Collaborates on Global Health Issues in Uganda
SPH student Anna Stadelman shares her experience researching global health in Uganda.
SPH Student Tackles Food Insecurity Among Students
Public Health Nutrition student Rebecca Leighton creates Nutritious U, a food pantry for University of Minnesota food insecure students.
Depression Linked to Neighborhood Poverty and Violence
Depression affects 120 million people worldwide and a study from PhD student Spruha Joshi shows that the disease in older adults is linked to living in poor communities and neighborhood violence.
Support Workers in Ethiopia Help HIV Patients Remain in Care
A new program developed by Professor Alan Lifson aims to keep Ethiopian HIV patients in treatment by pairing them with fellow HIV-positive peer support workers to help them in managing their illness.
A Majority of TV Shows Viewed by Adolescents Depict Alcohol or Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption
A new Project EAT study shows that almost half of the beverages shown in popular television shows viewed by adolescents contained alcohol.
Cycling Saves Lives and Money in Minnesota
A new study by Mark Pereira shows that cycling in Minnesota saves lives and the state hundreds of millions of dollars each year.
Chemo Can Lead to Kidney Damage in Breast Cancer Patients
A new study from alumna Shuling Li (PhD, ‘13) shows how chemo side-effects could cause kidney damage in elderly breast cancer patients.
SPH Addresses Structural Racism in Maternal and Child Health Programs
A UMN team that includes Associate Professors Ruby Nguyen and Jamie Stang is part of a national collaborative of maternal and child health training programs working to increase diversity in their curriculum, faculty, and students.