Research from student Aaron Berger and Professor Mark Pereira shows that just a few cycling trips a week can lower a rider’s risk of developing chronic illnesses like heart disease and diabetes.
Study Confirms Link Between Height and Venous Thromboembolism
PhD student Nick Roetker completed a genetics-based study confirming that taller height is related to increased risk of venous thromboembolisms.
Renowned Health Economist Roger Feldman Retires
Professor Roger Feldman retires after 40 years at the School of Public Health.
Challenges and Solutions to Accessing Long-term Care in Rural Areas
A report by researcher Carrie Henning-Smith details the barriers rural residents face in finding long-term and nursing home care in their communities.
Lyme Disease-Carrying Ticks Rapidly Spreading Across Midwest
Deer ticks carrying Lyme disease-inducing bacteria are rapidly spreading across the Midwest according to new research from Assistant Professor Jonathan Oliver.
Users of Consumer Genetic Testing Services Support Broader Access to These Services
Associate Professor Sarah Gollust published a study showing that users of direct-to-consumer genetic analysis services enthusiastically support access to genome testing.
Later School Start Times Better for Adolescent Development
A study by PhD student Aaron Berger and Associate Professor Rachel Widome confirms that later school day start times are associated with improved mental and behavioral health for adolescents.
Avoiding Skin Cancer
Researchers Call for Exploring Racist Roots in Healthcare Inequities
Assistant Professor Rachel Hardeman and Associate Professor Katy Kozhimannil say examining structural racism is the key to eliminating racial health inequity in the United States.
Understanding the Experience of Family Caregivers
Research from Assistant Professor Katie White shows that many caregivers consider the experience to be a life-changing journey comprised of challenges, lessons, and rewards.
Competition Lowers Insurance Premiums
Research by Associate Professor Jean Abraham and PhD student Coleman Drake shows that competition drives down premium costs in federal health insurance marketplaces.