The Gerontologist is a peer-reviewed publication of GSA, the nation’s oldest and largest interdisciplinary organization devoted to research, education, and practice in the field of aging.
SPH Assistant Professor Manka Nkimbeng receives career development NIH grant to focus on immigrant health
Researchers find 2.8% of pregnancies were exposed to opioids
New study of opioid use among pregnant people finds that 2.8% of pregnancies were exposed to opioids. Lead researcher Ruby Nguyen says “the findings of this study can be useful in future efforts to reduce opioid use during pregnancy and limit the negative consequences of fetal exposure to opioids.”
New study designed to improve the care of sexual and gender minority (SGM) older adults and support training of dementia-care workforce
“The study will involve the first evidence-based training for the care of SGM older adults with AD/ADRD, and the first randomized control study on this subject,” said Tetyana Shippee.
School of Public Health Professor Joseph Gaugler Chosen as Editor-in-Chief of The Gerontologist Journal
The Gerontologist is a peer-reviewed publication of GSA, the nation’s oldest and largest interdisciplinary organization devoted to research, education, and practice in the field of aging.
Mental health as a public health issue
Researchers to develop a Genomic Data Commons, a central hub for sharing and harmonizing genomic data
The Genomic Data Commons will provide a local genomic data hub and set of analytic tools that will be useful for a variety of researchers throughout the University of Minnesota
Fashaw-Walters appointed 2022 Fesler-Lampert Chair in Aging Studies
Assistant Professor Shekinah Fashaw-Walters has been appointed as the 2022-2023 Fesler-Lampert Chair in Aging
Simcik and team earns IonE Impact Goal Grant
Professor Matt Simcik and team earns an IonE Impact Goal Grant from the UMN Institute on the Environment
Fashaw-Walters earns AcademyHealth dissertation award
Assistant Professor Shekinah Fashaw-Walters has received the Outstanding Dissertation Award from AcademyHealth.
Parsons earns American Cancer Society researcher award
Associate Professor Helen Parsons has received a 2022 ResearcHERS™ Rising Star Award from the American Cancer Society.
Talking tick season with Jon Oliver
Assistant Professor Jon Oliver answers questions about ticks in Minnesota, how to avoid them, and what to do if you find one on your body.