The School of Public Health’s MHA program uses a unique problem-solving method to tackle real-life health care issues, such as how to protect the health of people who do not have homes.
MHA News
Healthy and Homeless = A Nearly Impossible Combination
Most people experiencing homelessness have sporadic medical care that is far from ideal and doesn’t allow for adequate follow-up. Creating stable housing can change that picture.
SPH Health Care Administration Students Win Competition
Each year, teams from across the U.S. and Canada come together for the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Health Administration Case Competition. For the second year in a row, the team from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health MHA program took first place.
University honors Begun with major education award
Professor Jim Begun received the Award for Outstanding Contributions to Graduate and Professional Education and becomes a member the University’s Academy of Distinguished Teachers. Begun focuses on building engagement with students to make learning more effective and is a past recipient of SPH’s Leonard M. Schuman Award for Excellence in Teaching.