Researcher Jude Mikal found that in the first weeks of the pandemic Facebook users shared helpful details, spread misinformation, and even created a call-out culture to police social distancing behavior.
Health Policy and Management
Practice interruptions more likely for physicians in 2020 than 2019
The study led by Assistant Professor Hannah Neprash found that 1.1% of all physicians experienced permanent practice interruptions in April 2020, which is four times higher than the usual number from previous years.
Study of NYC vaccination rates proves validity of new structural racism measurement tool
The study led by PhD student Bert Chantarat showed that using the Multidimensional Measure of Structural Racism tool to analyze COVID-19 vaccination rates in New York City provides increased insight into the root cause of health inequities.
Embedding Human-Centered Design and LHS Research in the Transplantation System
Rapidly translating research into practice improves experience and outcomes
Cross named KL2 Scholar to study electronic records use in transitional care
Assistant Professor Dori Cross plans to use novel electronic health record data to study patient handoff and discharge practices as well as EHR-associated burden in a team context.
Abbie Begnaud and Allison Gustavson Join MN-LHS Program
New study shows patients visiting their doctor after a flu patient are more likely to get the flu
The study led by Assistant Professor Hannah Neprash found that patients exposed to the flu at their primary care physician’s office were 31.8% more likely than unexposed patients to revisit with the flu within two weeks.
Henning-Smith named Fesler-Lampert chair to study aging in rural areas
Associate Professor Carrie Henning-Smith plans to study the role of community context and social infrastructure — places, spaces, and resources that facilitate social connectedness — in supporting social well-being among rural older adults in Minnesota and across the United States.
Study by Neprash named Publication of the Year by AcademyHealth
Assistant Professor Hannah Neprash earned the honor for a study that showed female primary care physicians earn less revenue for the care they provide, but spend more time with patients than their male colleagues.
U.S. hospitals slow to respond to new price transparency rule
A study conducted by a group of SPH faculty showed only 73% of hospitals posted pricing in a consumer-friendly format and far fewer presented data in ways that could be easily analyzed by researchers.
Breast cancer patients start treatment more often and sooner after intro of generic drugs
A study by recent graduate Xuanzi Qin (PhD ’20) found that women were more likely to begin breast cancer treatment after the introduction of generic aromatase inhibitors.
Rural hospital closures strain community ambulance services
Rural hospitals are closing at a rapid pace, adding challenges for patients and the emergency medical service (EMS) providers who help them.