The team of Alina Okamoto, Malik Williams, and Moriam Yarrow created a three-component digital strategy for treating hypertensive patients in the Houston, TX area.
Health Policy and Management
25th Heinz Awards honor Kozhimannil for research on healthcare inequities and maternal mortality among women of color
Professor Katy Kozhimannil’s work is driving policy change to reduce rising maternal mortality rates in rural populations and address structural racism in healthcare.
Female primary care physicians spending more time with patients may contribute to gender pay gap
The study, co-led by senior author and Assistant Professor Hannah Neprash, found that female primary care physicians earn less revenue for the care they provide, but spend more time with patients than their male colleagues.
School of Public Health launches Center for Healthy Aging and Innovation
The center is led by Professor Joseph Gaugler and seeks to foster interdisciplinary, community-engaged approaches to support students, researchers, and the community when addressing critical issues related to aging.
MN-LHS Welcomes New Scholars
School of Public Health to establish the Public Health Center of Excellence on Dementia Caregiving
The center is led by Professor Joseph Gaugler and will focus on identifying and disseminating promising research findings and best practices for addressing social determinants of health to support family members, friends, and other unpaid individuals who care for people living with dementia.
Black newborns die less when cared for by Black doctors
A study co-authored by Associate Professor Rachel Hardeman found that the in-hospital death rate of Black newborns is a third lower when they are cared for by Black physicians rather than white physicians.
Rural areas have higher individual health insurance premiums and fewer plan choices
Professor Jean Abraham led the study and believes that undetermined need and cost for health care during the COVID-19 pandemic will only add to the uncertainty surrounding plan choices and pricing in rural and other markets.
Rural nurse practitioners work with more autonomy than urban nurse practitioners
The study by Assistant Professor Hannah Neprash found that nurse practitioners in rural areas have greater practice autonomy in every category that was measured.
Evaluating diversity and inclusion in the health services and policy research workforce
PhD student Tongtan Chantarat is co-leading a study funded by AcademyHealth to see if the research field is improving workplace culture and dismantling structural racism.
Official estimates of public health spending are significantly overinflated
A study by researcher JP Leider reveals that federal estimates overestimate actual public health spending by as much as two-thirds.
Hardeman Awarded Blue Cross Professorship of Health and Racial Equity
Associate Professor Rachel Hardeman is the first Blue Cross Endowed Professor of Health and Racial Equity and works to understand the racist roots of health inequities and discerns how to create more just systems going forward.