Health Policy and Management
Exploring Why Women of Color Become Doulas
Minnesota’s Mayo
PHAP student Makshita Luthra’s field experience brought her to Mayo Clinic’s Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery.
Negative Diversity Climate Raises Depression Risk in Medical School Students
Employer Health Plans Change Little After ACA Implemented
Data Could Help Clinics Manage HIV Care
How Clinicians and Researchers Can Help Dismantle Structural Racism
Collaborative Study Aims to Reduce Racial Disparities in Nursing Homes, Improve Quality of Life
Kuntz Leads Addition of Computer Modeling for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Guidelines
Hardeman Leads New Project Addressing Racial Inequalities in Birth Outcomes
Fixing Health Care: Lessons From a 10-Year Study
Creating a healthier population means tackling hard-to-solve, complex issues. At Minnesota, students are at the center of some of the world’s most pressing problems through their involvement in case competitions.