Management & Policy
Study predicts supervised injection facilities could provide cost-effective health benefits in Toronto and Ottawa
Study Finds California’s Early ACA Expansion Increased Coverage and Reduced Out-of-Pocket Spending for Low-income Population
Study: Incentive-based employer wellness programs effective, but demonstrate diminishing effects
State Approval Requirement Leads to Slower Increases in Health Insurance Rates
More effective alcohol policies ignored while less effective passed into law
Affordable Care Act: More young adults seek inpatient psychiatric care, ER use declines
More research-based evidence needed in MN legislative discussions about childhood obesity
ACA insurance provision reduces health care spending for young adults
Health insurance coverage and disparities exist in receiving reconstruction after mastectomy
National Coverage: media messaging trends from the ACA rollout
Uninsured Minnesotans number falls by 40 percent
The number of Minnesotans without health insurance fell by 40.6 percent between September 30, 2013 and May 1, 2014, according to a new report prepared by the School of Public Health State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC).