Quali-tea is organized by SPH researchers Jude Mikal, Dori Cross, Stuart Grande, and Katie White and is offering presentations on the benefits and use of qualitative data starting in February.
Discovering how people with breast cancer use Facebook for support
Researcher Jude Mikal studied the activity of breast cancer survivors on Facebook during their treatment and found while they posted more, they made relatively few requests for help.
Testosterone therapy may double men’s risk of forming blood clots in veins
The study led by researcher Rob Walker also showed that only 8% of men who had a VTE while on testosterone therapy had a clinical diagnosis of having low levels of testosterone in the body.
Study finds suicide rates increasing nationwide
A new study from SHADAC senior research fellow Colin Planalp shows that suicide rates from 2000 through 2017 have increased by 35% in the U.S.
Shorter and longer sleep durations linked to heart health risk in older women
A study led by postdoctoral research fellow Kelsie Full found that woman who slept less than seven hours had higher risk cardiovascular disease and other health issues.
Study ties harmful body comments in adolescence to substance use in adulthood
Postdoctoral researcher Melissa Simone found that girls who used unhealthy weight-control behaviors and experienced the harms of weight stigma during adolescence were likely to use substances as adults.
Study rules out high HPV infection rate as driver for increased cervical cancer deaths in immigrants
The results of the study by researcher Manami Bhattacharya show foreign-born people have lower rates of HPV infection than those born in the U.S. and suggests their higher cancer rates are due to barriers to health care.
Many young adults value sustainably produced foods, leading to healthier food choices
A Project EAT study co-authored by researcher Nicole Larson shows sustainable diet practices are related to more frequent preparation of meals with vegetables and multiple markers of better diet quality, such as higher intake of fruits and vegetables.
New Survey Reveals Key Details on Outlook of National Public Health Workforce
The PH WINS survey co-developed by researcher JP Leider showed more than 40 percent of governmental public health workers are planning on retiring by 2023 or considering leaving their positions within the next year.
Number of Children Without Health Insurance Increasing Across U.S.
A report authored by SHADAC researcher Elizabeth Lukanen shows the number of uninsured children in the U.S. increased by nearly 270,000 between 2016 and 2017.
Mothers with Higher Quality Diets Have Slimmer, Leaner Babies
Research from postdoctoral fellow Muna Tahir and Professor Ellen Demerath found mothers who had a higher diet quality at any point had children with lower weight-for-length ratios than women who had lower diet quality scores.
SPH News Headlines – March 2019
Recent media coverage of University of Minnesota School of Public Health faculty, researchers, students, and post-doctoral fellows.