Dori Cross

Cross Receives Early Career Achievement Award

Assistant Professor Dori Cross is recognized for her contributions to healthcare management through her work on digital transformation.

Kathryn Silverstein | August 16, 2023

University of Minnesota School of Public Health (SPH) Assistant Professor Dori Cross received the Early Career Achievement Award from the Academy of Management (AOM) Division of Health Care Management. The national award recognizes one “early career scholar whose distinguished contributions have advanced research, theory, and practice within the health care management field.” 

Cross’s research focuses on optimizing the digital transformation of healthcare organizations. Specifically, she studies how information sharing supports care continuity across care teams and care settings, especially during care transitions. She also focuses on how provider organizations can use  EHR data to drive health services quality improvement and organizational learning.

“I am honored to have my early career work acknowledged in this way,” says Cross, “ and grateful to be able to teach and do research in areas that this academic community finds important and impactful.”

In nominating Cross, Professor Jean Abraham and Associate Professor Katie White in the division of Health Policy & Management called out her research and publication record, her track record of impacting policy, and her professional conduct as worthy of receiving the award. 

“She contributes with thoughtfulness and energy to the service needs within our division and the broader health services research community,” they wrote in the award nomination letter. “She is generous in her support and mentorship of numerous doctoral students–both as a primary advisor and as a committee member. Her collegiality and unique intellectual contributions are evidenced in diverse and longstanding collaborative relationships with colleagues.”

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