Michelle Sonnenberger, Maria Masotti, Rachel Zilinskas, Sara Samorodnitsky, Marta Shore, and Lillian Haine

Day 23: Biostatistics Goes to High School

We are grateful for community partners like St. Paul Public Schools. Thanks to a partnership between the Division of Biostatistics and the St. Paul Public Schools, a crackerjack team of biostatistics grad students, guided by instructor Marta Shore, developed a curriculum for ninth graders to expose them to data science, environmental health science, and public health in general through an interactive curriculum. Read about the project in Advances magazine and the biostatistics development team, pictured from left to right in the photo, Michelle Sonnenberger, Maria Masotti, Rachel Zilinskas, Sara Samorodnitsky, Marta Shore, and Lillian Haine. Absent from the photo is the late Sharon Ling.

View SPH Advances Magazine Story: Biostatistics Goes to High School

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