In the Media — August 2017

Recent media coverage of School of Public Health faculty, researchers, students, and post-doctoral fellows.

Charlie Plain | August 11, 2017

Professor Lynn Blewett
8/1:Reinsurance approval key to holding down insurance premium hikes (Minnesota Public Radio)
8/2: MinnesotaCare buy-in: Maybe not a long shot (Health Affairs Blog)

Professor Jon Christianson
8/16: Need healthcare? Let’s go shopping—or not (The American Journal of Managed Care)

Professor Ellen Demerath
8/7: U of M study asks why breastfeeding is beneficial to babies (WCCO-TV)
8/30: U of M health researchers have new, expanded state fairgrounds home (Twin Cities Business)

Professor Emeritus Roger Feldman
8/26: After years of turmoil, less drama so far for Minnesota insurance market (Star Tribune)

Professor John Finnegan
8/2: Letter: Importance of President Kaler’s Prevent Sexual Misconduct initiative (Minnesota Daily)

Professor Lisa Harnack
8/16: The health risks of too much salt (Consumer Reports)

Researcher Carrie Henning-Smith
8/2: Drop-in centers in rural Kansas aim to address dangers of isolation (KUNC-Radio)
8/15: Drop-in centers in rural Kansas address dangers of isolation (Indiana Public Media)
8/21: Rural hospitals in trouble (Radio Health Journal)
8/24: Drop-in centers in rural Kansas aim to address dangers of isolation (KRCC-Radio)

Peiyin Hung (PhD student)
8/30: Mayo’s Austin-Albert Lea consolidation reflects rural health trends (Twin Cities Business)

Associate Professor Katy Kozhimannil
8/7: Maternal deaths are a national tragedy that deserve a national response (The Incidental Economist)
8/9:  Top 5 questions to ask about your birth hospital (Minnesota Public Radio)
8/27: New Fairview doula problem focuses on at-risk moms (The Post Review)

Professor Russell Luepker
8/2: Minnesotans call for medical research funding (Public News Service)

Associate Professor Toben Nelson
8/29: NIH family members giving back: Toben Nelson (NIH Director’s Blog)

Regents Professor Michael Osterholm
8/4: Can the world defend itself from omnicide? (TriCorner News)
8/9: Should only infectious disease specialists be allowed to prescribe antibiotics? (
8/10: Better data can help tackle stagnated vaccination rates (The Guardian)
8/14: Zika virus tied to neurological woes in adults (Health DayWeb MDDrugs.comU.S. News & World ReportChicago TribuneMedicineNet)
8/23: What’s happened to Zika? Is the outbreak in the Americas over? (Outbreak News Today)
8/29: An ‘old wives’ tale’ drives calls for tetanus shots amid Houston flooding (STAT); Houston floods: what are the infectious disease risks? (Outbreak News Today); Bats and viruses: Beating back a bad reputation (Mongabay)
8/31: Are the floodwaters from Hurricane Harvey a health risk? (Forbes)

Adjunct Associate Professor Gary Schwitzer
8/15: How does the biotech industry control what we know about GMOs? (Organic Authority)
Should Johnson & Johnson be helping to fund the World Conference of Science Journalists? (Undark)

Associate Professor Tetyana Shippee
8/17: Simulation shows the high cost of dementia, especially for families (Medical Xpress)

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