In 1939, 50 years after William Worrall Mayo founded Mayo Clinic, his sons William and Charles provided an endowment to establish the University of Minnesota School of Public Health (SPH).

Throughout the past 75-plus years, the connection between the now famous Mayo Clinic and SPH has been strong, but it wasn’t until the summer of 2016 that the school sent its first student to Mayo for a field experience. Field experiences, required for all SPH Master of Public Health (MPH) students, take place over the course of a few months and allow students to fully explore their interests, be paired with mentors, and apply their coursework to real-world situations.
Public health administration and policy MPH student Makshita Luthra spent the summer at the Mayo Clinic’s home in Rochester, Minn. contributing to the team in the Mayo Clinic Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery, headed by Dr. Veronique Roger, MPH ’80. “The team’s goal is to define the value of care through data,” says Luthra. “I was the first public health intern at the center and I could tell I brought something new to the team.”