Recent media coverage of School of Public Health faculty, researchers, students, and post-doctoral fellows.
Silvia Balbo
8/20: Vaping Could Raise Risk of Cancer, Study Finds (Newsweek)
8/20: Vaping Increases Risk of DNA Mutations Which Could Lead to Cancer, Study Suggests (Independent)
8/20: Vaping Can Damage DNA, but Unknown if that Leads to Cancer (UPI)
8/20: E-cigarettes Raise the Risk of Mouth Cancer by Damaging DNA, Study Finds (Daily Mail)
8/20: Vaping Can Damage DNA, But Will It Cause Cancer? (
8/20: Vaping Can Damage DNA, But Will It Cause Cancer? (
8/20: E-cigarettes Can Damage Your DNA and Increase your Risk of Cancer, Study Reveals (Mirror, UK)
8/20: E-cigarettes Can Damage DNA (Science Daily)
8/20: Vaping Can Damage Users’ Mouth DNA, Cause Cancer – Study (Sputnik News)
8/20: E-cigarettes could ‘increase your risk of cancer by damaging your DNA’, experts warn (The Sun (U.K.))
8/20: Vaping increases risk of DNA mutations which could lead to cancer, study suggests (Yahoo! News)
8/20: Vaping Can Damage DNA, But Will It Cause Cancer? (U.S. News & World Report)
8/20: Vaping ‘Can Damage DNA – and May Increase the Risk of Cancer’ (The London Economic)
8/20: E-Cigarettes Linked To DNA Damage Which Can Lead To Cancer (Great Lakes Ledger)
8/21: Yet Another Study Suggests Vaping Can Cause Cancer By Altering Your DNA : Report (Brinkwire)
8/21: E-Cigarettes ‘Could Give You Mouth Cancer by Damaging Your DNA’ (Metro)
8/21: Vaping Could Damage Your DNA, Researchers Claim (Daily Telegraph)
8/21: Health Experts Link E-cigarettes to Cancer (Business Daily Africa)
8/21: Study Shows E-cigarettes Tied to Cancer (WTHR)
8/22: Vaping, E-cigarettes Can Mutate Users’ DNA, Cause Cancer, New Research Says (Philly Voice)
Lynn Blewett
8/10: States Are Making the Rules on Health Care (U.S. News & World Report)
Bryan Dowd
8/31: Readers Write: Health Insurance (Star Tribune)
Roger Feldman (emeritus) and Jean Jung (alumna)
8/13: The Large Hidden Costs of Medicare’s Prescription Drug Program (New York Times)
Craig Hedberg
8/3: Chicken is Most Likely to Sicken People, CDC Report on Foodborne Disease Finds (
Carrie Henning-Smith
8/14: Research Brief: Rural Residents Lack Workplace Supports to Juggle Work and Caregiving (UMN News)
8/14: Study: Caregivers In Rural Areas Lack Workplace Support (WCCO)
8/15: Rural Residents Lack Workplace Supports to Juggle Work and Caregiving (Medical Xpress)
8/17: Caring for Children, Elders in Rural Areas Hits Working Caregivers Harder (Star Tribune)
8/20: Study Shows Minnesota Caregivers Face Multiple Challenges (WNAX)
Rebecca Kehm (alumna)
8/20: Why Are Black And Latino Kids More Likely To Die Of Certain Cancers? (NPR)
8/20: Socioeconomic Status Helps Explain U.S. Childhood Cancer Survival Rates (Reuters)
8/20: Complex Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Childhood Cancer Survival (Medical Research)
8/20: Socioeconomic Status Helps Explain U.S. Childhood Cancer Survival Rates (KFGO News)
8/20: Socioeconomic Status May Explain Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Childhood Cancer Survival (Medical Xpress)
8/21: Research Brief: Socioeconomic status affects childhood cancer survival rates (UMN News)
8/21: UMN Study: Socioeconomic Status Affects Childhood Cancer Survival Rates (CBS Minnesota)
8/21: The Hidden Social Factors Driving Disparities in Childhood Cancer Survival Rates (Center for Health Journalism)
Katy Kozhimannil
8/17: Mayo in Mankato Launches Midwifery Care (Mankato Free Press)
Toben Nelson
8/5: A Huge Clinical Trial Collapses, and Research on Alcohol Remains Befuddling (The Washington Post)
8/5: A Huge Clinical Trial Collapses, and Research on Alcohol Remains Befuddling (The Denver Post)
8/5: Research on Alcohol Remains Befuddling (Santa Fe New Mexican)
Hannah Neprash
8/6: Research Brief: Provider acceptance of Medicaid grew slightly after ACA expansion (UMN News)
8/7: The Health 202: Medicaid Advocates Now Have Two More Studies to Back Them Up (The Washington Post)
Dianne Neumark-Sztainer
8/6: How to Have Better Family Meals (The New York Times)
Michael Osterholm
8/4: Anti-Vaccine Activists Have Taken Vaccine Science Hostage (The New York Times)
8/14: FDA Recalls Are a Reminder that China Controls Much of World’s Drug Supply (NBC News)
8/21: Fresh Express forms Panel to Study Cyclospora Outbreaks (The Produce News)
8/21: Fresh Express Tackles Cyclospora Head on with Expert Panel (The Packer)
8/21: Blue-Ribbon Panel of Third-party Experts Announced to Help Produce Industry Understand and Solve Problem of Seasonal Cyclospora Illness Outbreaks (Markets Insider)
8/22: Cyclospora: Outbreak linked to McDonald’s salads grow; Fresh Express forms panel (Outbreak News Today)
8/30: Here we go again, hoping this message will get through: Please vaccinate your children (Lancaster Online)
Irina Stepanov
8/1: U of M Researchers Identify Link Between E-cigarettes and Cancer (Bring Me the News)
8/7: Study Looks at E-cigs, Cancer (Duluth News Tribune)
8/8: Cancer-causing Chemical Formed in E-cigarette Users (Insight News)
Rural Health Research Center
8/8: Chestnut Hill Hospital Workers Ask: You Want Us to Travel How Far for Health Care? (
Leigh Turner
8/6: Crowdfunding for Unproven Stem Cell Procedures Wastes Money and Spreads Misinformation (STAT)
8/16: Officials Remove Special Rules for Gene Therapy Experiments (AP)