Brian Sneve believes a focus on population health could improve the delivery of health care in the U.S.
Sneve’s interest in shaping the policies and programs that support population health drew him to the MPH-PHAP program.
When the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was passed, Sneve noted the ramifications of such a large policy on the public health field and his current position as a healthcare economics consultant for a major health insurer.
“As a public health professional, seeing both sides of the impact has helped me understand the complexities of the U.S. healthcare market and the externalities of intervention,” says Sneve.
Although Sneve credits policy reform as his main focus for getting into public health, his advice to MPH-PHAP students is to follow a specific issue that drives or pulls them into the field:
“Bring that passion to your studies and share it with your fellow students. Its an amazing time when you can learn and explore so many aspects of what ultimately defines public health and the ideas and passions you see in your fellow students enhance your passion for your own studies.”
As a member of the PHAP Community Advisory Board, Sneve hopes to give back to the program.
“I owe a great deal of my current worldview and experience to the program and the people that I had met during my time there,” says Sneve.
Sneve also hopes the board can fulfill a responsibility to prepare students to serve the essential roles of public health required by society and ensure the program teaches students the essential skills to quickly transition to professional positions after graduation.
“Education is more and more becoming an investment for students,” says Sneve. “The board is a prime opportunity for the school to identify those skills that employers are seeking and get those skills to students.”
~ Post by Mona Rath