Past Event
MHA Executive Program Info Session
Learn more about our Master of Healthcare Administration Executive Program, recognized as the #2 healthcare management program in the U.S.
The Division of Health Policy and Management at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health improves the health of all populations by
The division of Health Policy and Management hosts multiple events throughout the year including regular seminars that focus on topics specific to health services research, policy and management.
Past Event
Learn more about our Master of Healthcare Administration Executive Program, recognized as the #2 healthcare management program in the U.S.
Past Event
Learn more about our Master of Healthcare Administration Executive Program, recognized as the #2 healthcare management program in the U.S.
Past Event
Learn more about our Master of Healthcare Administration Executive Program, recognized as the #2 healthcare management program in the U.S.
Past Event
The 2024 visiting professor and keynote speaker is Sara Singer, professor at the Stanford University School of Medicine and Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Past Event
Join us for a HPM Seminar featuring Sara Singer
Past Event
Join our session to learn more about how our graduates learn how to collect, manage, analyze, interpret, and communicate data to improve population health.
Past Event
This session will highlight the program and how our graduates find meaningful and challenging positions at universities, government agencies, think tanks, health insurance providers, managed care organizations, and consulting firms.
Past Event
In this seminar, Dr. Kunneman connects shared decision making (SDM) as a method of care, to its objective of making care fit, especially in complex medical or personal situations.
Past Event
Alan Weil, Editor-in-Chief of Health Affairs, the nation’s leading health policy journal, will discuss the health policy landscape in the United States.
Past Event
Gain insights into our Public Health Administration and Policy (MPH), Health Services Research Policy & Administration (MS), and Healthcare Administration (MHA) programs during this open house.
Past Event
Join us to hear this presentation titled "Using tumor laterality to understand how the risks of radiotherapy influence breast cancer treatment and outcomes"
Past Event
Join us for this presentation titled "Creating African MaDE: Key Considerations in Developing Dementia Education with the African Immigrant Community."
Past Event
Join us for this presentation titled "Provider Adoption of Cognitive Assessment and Care Planning Services and Associated Outcomes for People Living with Dementia".
Past Event
Hear research updates from the Collaborative's University of Minnesota team.
Past Event
Join our session to learn more about how our graduates learn how to collect, manage, analyze, interpret, and communicate data to improve population health.
420 Delaware St. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
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