Community Partners & Ambassadors
Community Partners (CPs) are individuals representing external stakeholder organizations. Although Community Partners are welcome to become involved in all CHAI activities, we envision Community Partners will largely liaison with the Equity and Community Engagement Core by generating collaborative ideas, opportunities, and needs that Members may be interested in/could address. Community Ambassadors are individual community members external to the University of Minnesota that will have otherwise a similar role as CPs in CHAI.
Community Partners
- Erin Parrish, ASD for Advocacy and Outreach
ACER – African Career, Education, and Resource
Adapt Design Works
- Rob Wudlick, Clinical Trial Project Manager, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Minnesota; CEO, Adapt Design Works, LLC.
- Pat Lund, Founder of A Brush with Kindness
- Vivian Anugwom, Manager, Health Equity Program
- Ellie Henderscheid, Senior Program Coordinator
Alzheimer’s Association Minnesota-North Dakota Chapter
- Susan Spalding, Chief Executive Officer
- Heidi Haley-Franklin, Vice President, Programs
- Paula Hernandez, Community Programs Manager
- Frank Forsberg
- Naomi Zuk-Fisher
- Paige Priolo, Senior Program Developer
- Christin L. Lindberg, Research Associate
Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging
- Kristi Kane, Director
- Georgia Lane, Principal Planner, Community Developer
- Brenda Shafer-Pellinen, Eldercare Development Partnership Program Coordinator
- Carol Ashwood, Social Worker
- Nicole Mattson, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives
- Shauna Kapsner, LALD, Director of Education and Events
- Lori Vrolson, Executive Director
- Steve Hoover
- Durlay Yanet Davila, Adult and Aging Programs Director
- Shirley Barnes, Chief Executive Officer
- Brett Anderson, Chief Executive Officer
- Shelley Kendrick, President and CEO
- Dawn Cash, Service Coordinator
- Nicole Gorman, Recreation Supervisor
- Mary Healy Jonas, Director of Wellbeing
- Jenna Kilawee, Licensed Assisted Living Director
- Steve Waring, Principal Research Scientist
Jessica Drecktrah, MHA, MN, RN, Faith Community Nurse, Chief Nursing Officer
- Beth Wiggins, Director of Caregiving and Aging
- James Falvey, Executive Director
- Eyleen Braaten, Executive Director
- Craig Edinger, Chief Executive Officer
Guardian Angels Senior Community-Riverview Landing
- Andrea Erickson, Administrator
- Jonathan Palmer, Executive Director
- Leah Hanson, Senior Director, Neuroscience Research
- John Hobday, CEO, and Founder
- Mariam Anwar, MBBS, Geriatrics/Senior Care
International Academia of Biomedical Innovation Technology
- Wen J. Smith, Chief of Staff/Executive Director
Jewish Family Service of St. Paul
- Jill Grover, Case Management Contracts Director
- Carly M. Bruski, LMSW, Assistant Director, Strategic Partnerships
- Kari Thurlow, President and CEO
- Roni Flack, Manager of Adult Day Services
Katie Uphus, MA, Hospice Integration & Volunteer Manager
Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota
- Jeri Schoonover, Chief Service Officer
Mayo Clinic – Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
- Ronald Peterson, Director, Administrative Core; Professor of Neurology
- Angela Lunde, Co-Director, Outreach, Recruitment, and Education Core
Minneapolis Institute of Art (Mia)
- Virajita Singh, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer
- Julie Bourman ,Vitality Arts Coordinator
- Shelia McGuire, Head of Student and Teacher Learning
Minnesota Department of Health, Human Services
- Mary Manning, Division Director, Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Division
- Khatidja Dawood, Section Manager, Center for Health Promotion Section
- Valerie Cooke, Continuing Care for Older Adults
- Michelle Brasure, Minnesota Department of Health
- Patricia Takawira, Minnesota Department of Health
- Maiyia Kasouaher, Planner Senior Community, Center for Health Promotion
- Ann Zukoski, Minnesota Department of Health
- Koua Her, Planner Senior State, Center for Health Promotion
Minnesota Gerontological Society
- Roberta Meyers, Board President
Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging
- Jason Swanson, Executive Director
Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths (TZD)
- Kristine Hernandez, Statewide TZD Coordinator
- Annette Larson, Reginal Coordinator for South Central MN
- Stephanie Malinoff, Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota
- Joan Somes, Co-Chair, Dakota County TZD Coalition
Minnesota Leadership Council on Aging
- Adam Suomala, Executive Director
- Chao Yang, MNLCOA Director of Equity and Diverse Elders Coalition Convener
Tami Moyer, Community Relationship Director
MPS Community Education Lifelong Learning 55+ Programs
- Andrew Gramm, Program Specialist
The National Aging in Place Council
- Renee Johnson, Realtor, CSA, CAPS
Olmstead Implementation Office
- Aisha Elmquist, Director
- Michelle Riedel, Senior Housing Associate
- Peter B. Schuna, President and CEO
- Lisa Thomson, Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer
- Griffin Myslivecek, Executive Director
- Erin Erdahl, Activities Director
Presbyterian Homes and Services
- Duane Larson, Partnered and Affiliated Boards
- Mike Bingham, Senior Vice President Optage & Health Care Initiatives
- Brian Wenger, Founder, and CEO
- Kirk Ogren, Senior Advisor
- Diana Schleisman, Executive Director
- Katie Vreeland, Director of Sales and Marketing
- Tracy Keibler, Founding Director
- Alice Hill, Executive Director
- Carol Ashwood, MSW, LICSW (Clinical Social Worker, Open Circle Adult Day Services)
- Jane Pederson, MD, Chief Medical Quality Officer
- Dawn Simonson, President and CEO
- Sarah Adams, MSW, LISW, Older Americans Act Grant Manager
- Jetta Wiedemeier Bower, Volunteer and Outreach Manager
University of Minnesota Retirees Association
- Lynn Anderson, UofM Retirees Association, Age-Friendly University Council
- Jim Bettendorf, President & Chief Executive Officer
Volunteers of America Minnesota and Wisconsin
- Tuesday Elaine Glover, BSW, Director of VOA Culturally Responsive Caregiver Support and Dementia Services
Walker|West Music Academy & Amazing Grace Chorus
- Tonya Gregory, Program Director
- Braxton Haulcy, Executive Director
- Shana Moses, Amazing Grace Chorus, Program Director
- Libby Turner, Walker West Music Academy, Program Director, Adults & Voice Faculty
- Gale Cannon, Amazing Grace Chorus, AGC Program Coordinator
Westminster Presbyterian Church – The Magnet Senior Program
- Angelique Kingsbury, Program Coordinator
- Lisa Edstrom, Director of Development and Sales
Community Ambassadors
- Heather Brooks
- Jennifer Caruso- Wenner
- Lois Cutler, Ph.D.
- Ellen De La Torre
- Tom Hyder
- Pam Johnson
- Susan Klett
- Roberta Meyers
- Wynfred Russell