Aging Studies Interdisciplinary Group (ASIG)

The Aging Studies Interdisciplinary Group (ASIG) is a collaborative organization for graduate, professional, and undergraduate students studying aging in programs across the University. ASIG is student led and promotes the development of critical engagement across disciplines and explores diverse approaches to knowledge and inquiry related to aging education and research.

As of January 2022, ASIG is an official student organization at the University of Minnesota.

Together we:

  • Encourage thoughtful discussions about approaching issues around aging,
  • Explore different theoretical perspectives, methodological approaches, and changing conceptualizations of knowledge in aging,
  • Provide concrete opportunities for students to hone professional skills,
  • Focus on theoretical and pragmatic aspects of gerontology, and
  • Foster interdisciplinary communication and collaboration.
Aging Studies Interdisciplinary Group Logo

Connect with ASIG

Follow us on Twitter @asigumn, Instagram @asigumn, and LinkedIn. To join ASIG, please complete the survey and email Dr. Marti DeLiema (, Associate Director of Education for the Center for Healthy Aging and Innovation, and you will be added to the ASIG email list-serv which will provide event updates and other important information!

Voices of Aging Podcast

The ASIG podcast services, Voices of Aging, is now available and regularly updates!
You can find the podcasts here:

Apple Podcasts


iHeart Radio

Networking & Social Events

ASIG members can be a part of a number of different networking and social events. 

2023-2024 events include: the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, networking with gerontology providers, volunteer with older adults, research presentation opportunities, connect with other students with similar interests, state and national conferences.

View the Event Image Gallery

Leadership & Volunteer Opportunities

Students at the University can participate in ASIG activities as a member. Members are invited to volunteer to organize or host an event or support ASIG in other ways. Members also have opportunities to lead the organization. Interested students should contact the current Co-Chairs of ASIG.

Each Spring Executive Board positions (Executive Co-Chairs, Secretary/Parliamentarian, Events, and Marketing/Communications Chair) are open for election. 

Throughout the year Ad Hoc Committee Chair positions are open for appointment.

2023 – 2024 Executive Board

Emily Merkel, Chair
Fyzeen Ahmad, Vice Chair, Undergraduate Chair
Kelly Moeller, Secretary/Treasurer
Jamie Stoppler, Marketing & Communications Chair
Adhvaith Sridhar, Undergraduate Research Chair
Remy Johnson, Graduate Research Chair
Outreach team: Grace Savard, Christina Cauble, Dina Belhasan, & Maya Koffski
Events Co-Chairs: Mara Wilson & Ankita Mane
Podcast Co-Chairs: Kelly Moeller & Madeleine Howard

Past Chairs

2023: Dana Urbanski
2022-2023: Michelle Berning
2021-2022: Kayla Murphy & Dina Belhasen
2020-2021: Devon Sauerer, MPH (2021) & Kristi Oeding, PhD (2021)


ASIG is a proud GSA Student Chapter.

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