Our Team
Center Leadership

Jonathon P. Leider, PhD
Center Director
Office: C302 Mayo
Phone: 612-625-0908
E-mail: leider@umn.edu
Read about Jonathon
Dr. Leider is the founding director of the Center for Public Health Systems, as well as Associate Professor in the SPH Division of Health Policy and Management and associate faculty at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. He has published more than 120 peer-reviewed manuscripts in the areas of public health systems, the public health workforce, and public health finance. He is the director of evaluation for the Region V Public Health Training Center. He holds a PhD in health policy and management from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Rachel Schulman, MSPH, CPH
Center Manager
Office: C302 Mayo
Phone: 612-625-0908
E-mail: schulman@umn.edu
Read about Rachel
Ms. Schulman is the center manager for the Center for Public Health Systems. She has a deep interest in building strong and resilient public health systems. Previously she served as the Cities Readiness Initiative coordinator for the Minnesota Department of Health and as a senior program analyst with the National Association of County and City Health Officials. She holds an MSPH in public health policy from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and a BA from Wesleyan University.
Center Staff

Melissa Baez, MPH
Phone: 612-624-8878
E-mail: baez0012@umn.edu
Read about Melissa
Melissa Baez is the project manager for the TRIUMPH program in the Center for Public Health Systems. She is a public health professional with extensive experience in governmental public health and health informatics. Her professional interests also include public health policy, infection prevention, and antibiotic stewardship. Melissa holds a Master’s in Public Health (MPH) specializing in Public Health Administration and Policy, with advanced coursework in health informatics.

Nichole Fusilier, MPH, MS
Phone: 612-625-0908
Email: fusilier@umn.edu
Read about Nichole
Nichole Fusilier is a researcher in the Center for Public Health Systems with experience in policy and data analysis through their previous work in state government for the State of Florida. Their expertise includes evaluating community mental health programs, analyzing the impact of healthcare policies, and conducting research to support initiatives aimed at improving community health outcomes. They hold a master’s degree in Biostatistics from Florida State University, a Master of Public Health with a concentration in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from Florida A&M University, and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Louisiana State University. At the foundation of all their work, Nichole is committed to advancing the well-being of individuals and their communities and reducing health disparities through research and policy advocacy.

Chelsey Kirkland, PhD, MPH, CHW
Phone: 612-625-0908
E-mail: ckirk@umn.edu
Read about Chelsey
Dr. Kirkland is a researcher for the Center for Public Health Systems. She is a mixed methodologist and is experienced in public health research including workforce development, social determinants of health, health equity, physical activity, and community health workers. She holds a PhD in public health and graduate qualitative research certificate from Kent State University. Dr. Kirkland also holds a BS in exercise science, an MPH, and CHW certification.

Feather LaRoche, MTAG
Native American Outreach & Communications Associate
Phone: 612-625-0908
E-mail: laroche@umn.edu
Read about Feather
Feather LaRoche focuses his attention on the underlying disparities and imbalances that affect Native American communities. He holds a Master’s of Tribal Administration and Governance from University of Minnesota – Duluth and has been working with the School of Public Health since this past June (2022) to bring awareness to the Public Health Administration and Policy MPH to Native American professionals and students. Mr. LaRoche is an enrolled member of the Kul Wicasa Oyate Tribe from Lower Brule, South Dakota.

Gabriela Lazalde, PhD
Phone: 612-625-0908
E-mail: lazalde@umn.edu
Read about Gabriela
Gabriela Lazalde is a researcher with the Center for Public Health Systems at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. Prior to joining CPHS, she worked at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, and on a variety of quantitative research projects with a particular interest in life course approaches to health equity. She holds a PhD in Community Health Sciences from the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health and an MPH from the University of Minnesota’s Public Health Administration and Policy Program.

Sezen Ozcan Onal, PhD, MA
Phone: 612-625-0908
E-mail: ozcan@umn.edu
Read about Sezen
Sezen Ozcan Onal is a researcher at the Center for Public Health Systems. She is interested in applying a modern econometric toolkit to address policy-relevant questions in public health research. Dr. O. Onal holds a doctoral degree in Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Missouri-Columbia.

Jason Orr, PhD, MPH
Phone: 785-341-0192
E-mail: jorr@umn.edu
Read about Jason
Dr. Orr is a researcher with the Center for Public Health Systems at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health and is experienced in policy analysis, mixed-methods research, and systems design & analysis. He holds a BS in chemical and biological engineering and an MPH with an emphasis in infectious diseases and zoonoses from Kansas State University, and a PhD in systems engineering from Colorado State University. He has ‘pracademic’ interests in public health services frameworks (e.g., Foundational Public Health Services), collaborative service delivery (i.e., cross-jurisdictional sharing or cross-sectoral collaboration), public health finance and workforce issues, and other transformation and innovation initiatives for public health systems.

Hank Stabler, PhD, MPH
Phone: 612-625-0908
E-mail: stabl005@umn.edu
Read about Hank
Dr. Stabler is a researcher with the UMN Center for Public Health Systems and has experience in program evaluation, policy analysis, and mixed methods research. Dr. Stabler’s research interests include multi-sectoral collaboration, particularly between public health and healthcare stakeholders, as well as chronic disease prevention and management. He holds a PhD from the University of Minnesota’s Health Services Research, Policy, & Administration program with a focus on Health Policy, and an MPH from the University of Michigan.

Sarah Trachet
Fiscal Analyst
Phone: 612-624-0454
E-mail: scatt001@umn.edu
Read about Sarah
Ms. Trachet is an analyst and grant administrator in the SPH Division of Health Policy and Management. She has been the financial manager for the Center since its inception. While not involved in the PH Workforce science, she finds the science very interesting from an economic lens. Ms. Trachet has over 25 years of experience overseeing large-scale, complex grants, and contracts. She has implemented several new system processes across the University and provides training courses on reporting to mid- and upper-level management administrators. Prior to HPM, she was in Central Administration for 15 years.

Nikki Weiss, PhD
Phone: 612-625-0908
E-mail: weis0731@umn.edu
Read about Nikki
Nikki Weiss is a biocultural anthropologist specializing in mixed methods research. She completed her undergraduate education in biology at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, and she earned her master’s and doctorate in anthropology from Ohio State University. Before arriving at CPHS, Nikki worked for the Johns Hopkins Center for Indigenous Health – Great Lakes Hub, as well as for the CDC Foundation. Her research interests include health equity and making health care accessible and attainable for all.
Affiliated Faculty and Staff
Rebecca Wurtz, MD, MPH
Director of Public Health Administration and Policy
Office: C305 Mayo
Phone: 612-625-1387
E-mail: rwurtz@umn.edu
Read about Rebecca
Dr. Wurtz is an infectious disease physician and informaticist. She worked as a clinician and public health officer in tuberculosis control for the City of Chicago and Cook County (IL). She was the deputy medical director for the Illinois Department of Public Health. As the chief medical officer for various IT start-up companies, she worked on electronic disease surveillance systems, immunization registrations, and medical vocabularies. She currently serves as director of Public Health Administration and Policy (PHAP) and E-PHAP MPH programs at the School of Public Health. She was elected to the Academy of Distinguished Teaching Faculty and has won awards for outstanding contribution to graduate and professional education and for mentoring and advising. For the center, she focuses her efforts on innovation in education and training.
Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, PhD, MA
Assistant Professor, Sociology
Office: 1156 Social Sciences Building
Phone: 612-624-7602
E-mail: ewf@umn.edu
Read about Elizabeth
Elizabeth Wrigley-Field is an associate professor at the University of Minnesota. A sociologist and demographer, she studies racial inequality in mortality in the historical and contemporary United States, and specializes in finding comparisons and metrics that illuminate the human meaning of mortality disparities. She has extensively researched the Covid-19 pandemic in Minnesota, where she also co-founded an award-winning community vaccination organization. She is also a demographic methodologist, developing models designed to clarify relationships between micro and macro perspectives on population processes.
Janette Dill, PhD, MA, MPH
Associate Professor, Division of Health Policy and Management
Office: 15-213 Pillips-Wangensteen
Phone: 612-625-8595
E-mail: dill0221@umn.edu
Read about Janette
Janette Dill is an Associate Professor in the Health Policy & Management Division in the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota, and she is the deputy director for the Center for Workforce Research in Public Health. Her research focuses on the health care workforce, especially direct care and community-based workers. Her current projects include measuring regional variation in the supply of the direct care workforce, racial and gender disparities in the rewards for professional certification and unionization among direct care workers, and measuring the employment behavior and intentions of direct care workers during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Her research has been published in top public health and social science journals, including Health Affairs, The American Journal of Public Health, Medical Care Research and Review, and Social Science and Medicine, and her research has been supported by the National Institute on Aging, the Health Resources and Services Administration, and other state and federal agencies. She has a Master of Public Health degree (MPH) and PhD in Sociology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Sripriya Rajamani, MBBS, PhD, MPH, FAMIA
Office: 6-174 Weaver-Densford Hall
Phone: 612-624-5412
E-mail: sripriya@umn.edu
Read about Priya
Priya Rajamani is an Associate Professor in the UMN School of Nursing and Affiliate Faculty with the UMN Institute for Health Informatics. Her research interests are in public health informatics, the impact of information technology in public health practice and population health, adoption and use of standards and trying to measure and understand the impact of interoperability. She is also a practicing public health informatician with the Minnesota Department of Health and is involved with Minnesota e-Health initiatives.
Xiao Zang, PhD
Assistant Professor, Division of Health Policy & Management
Office: Mayo D375
Phone: 612-624-4426
E-mail: xzang@umn.edu
Read about Xiao
Xiao Zang serves as an Assistant Professor in the Division of Health Policy and Management at the School of Public Health, where he is also an affiliate of the Center for Public Health Systems. His research centers around evaluating the health economic and health equity impacts of interventions/policies designed to combat HIV/AIDS and opioid overdose mortality using simulation modeling methods. Beyond this, his research interests extend to systems dynamic modeling and health policy analysis using quasi-experimental methods to inform meaningful health systems changes.
Center Students
- Roshani Dahal, MPH
- Denisha Demeritte, BA
- Nicole McDaniel, BS
- Morgan Pak, BA
- Noah Westfall, MPH
- Hawking Yam, MS
Previous Students
- Jake Abrahams
- Safia Abdinur
- Julieta Barbiero
- Laila Bushagour
- Daisy Corona
- Denisha Demeritte
- Jaclyn Frank
- Hannah Geressu
- Umesh Ghimire
- Olivia Houck
- Emily Johnson
- Bibin Joseph
- Kirrthana Jegathesan
- Jovin Lasway
- Zach Levin
- Shantanu Mallick
- Kelly Moeller
- Puleng Moshele
- Kiran Nabi
- Phillip-Ian Nyugen
- Yasmin Odowa
- Kyeongki Park
- Vivian Pham
- Rachel Price
- Celestine Siameh
- Margaret Tait
- Asia Tamaami
- Amanda Tran
- Sarah Vermeland
- Abby Vogel