Global Health is Local
Featured are organizations in Minnesota who are working in Global Health issues at the local level. These can serve as a touch point for field experiences, collaborations, or other academic work in the School of Public Health.
Similarly, the Minnesota International NGO Network maintains a list of all international NGOs working in Minnesota, many of which focus on global health issues. Visit their website for an up-to-date list of Minnesota International NGOs

Organizations With Past Student Field Experiences
The following are domestic or local organizations where students have completed field experiences related to global health, including immigrant and refugee health, American Indian services, and others.
- African Immigrant Services
- American Indian Cancer Foundation
- Cass Lake Indian Health Service
- Center for Global Health and Social Responsibility
- Center for Animal Health and Food Safety
- Fairview Health Services
- Harmony Home Health Services
- Hennepin County Medical Center
- IC Compassion
- Interfaith Action of Greater Saint Paul
- Isuroon
- Minnesota Department of Human Services
- People’s Center Health Services
- Rural Health Care Initiative
- The Center for Victims of Torture